Does my 1.5-2 year old toddler need speech therapy?

Your little one is very busy between 1.5-2 years old. There is so much development is happening. Your toddler has likely become passionate about their likes and dislikes. Are they able to effectively communicate their preferences to you? Are you curious what language skills they should have in this time frame?

Keep in mind, every child is unique and develops at their own pace but there are some skills that we like to see kids acquire by 1.5-2 years of age. If they’re not acquiring these skills, a speech evaluation could help to identify areas and ways to help your little one communicate their wants and needs more effectively. The information below is a quick snapshot of some skills you want to see your child acquire. If your child is missing a few of the skills, reach out to a speech therapist for guidance. Berry Speech Academy, located in Upper St. Clair (South Hills of Pittsburgh, PA) is currently accepting new clients!

Outlined below are some skills that we would like to see your 1.5-2 year old toddler using and/or demonstrating. You can also reference the 1-1.5 year old log post for skills they should have mastered.

  • Increase in frequency of words and increase in overall speech intelligibility (65% intelligible by 2)

  • Increase in the use of early consonants including (p, b, m, t, d, h)

  • Words being produced in CVC structure (consonant vowel consonant i.e. HOT, POT, etc.)

  • Increase from 10-50 consistent words, word approximations and/or signs

  • Comprehend approximately 300 words

  • Point to 5 body parts

  • Produce animal sounds and use animal names

  • Say their own name

  • Verbalize “no”

  • Combine two words

  • Your child will participate in verbal turn taking 

If your child is demonstrating these skills, continue to encourage and promote their development. If your child is struggling in a few of these areas, a speech evaluation may be beneficial to help identify areas to help boost their language skills.

If you are located in Pittsburgh, PA contact us at Berry Speech Academy to set up an evaluation! We currently offer clinic visits in Upper St. Clair (South Hills of Pittsburgh) and also offer in home evaluations and treatment in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.


Does my 2-2.5 year old toddler need speech therapy?


Does my 1- 1.5 year old toddler need speech therapy?