Strategies for Encouraging Communication Skills in Toddlers

Communication is one of the most powerful tools that we have. It’s the way we express ourselves, share our wants, needs and desires. We communicate with others all day, whether verbally or nonverbally. Communication is how we form relationships with others, learn and grow. Children are developing communication skills everyday, but sometimes children may develop these skills at a slower pace or in a different way. Sometimes children need a little support and guidance to grow their communication skills. 

This blog post will help to outline strategies and resources to encourage children to grow their communication skills. Aside from what you read in this blog post, resources such as speech therapy clinics are an excellent resource to help guide you with a plan to grow your child’s communication skills. Berry Speech Academy, a private practice located in Upper St. Clair, in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, PA is a resource that provides specialized therapy with trained speech therapists.

Read on for ideas for creating a language rich environment, engaging in interactive activities, and if need be seeking professional support. 

Creating a Language-Rich Environment

A language-rich environment is crucial for fostering communication skills in children. Here are some tips for creating a language rich environment: 

  1. Read Together: Children love books! Reading is something you can do every day with your little one. A fun and free activity would be to go to the library, let your toddler choose books and bring them home. Your child will be motivated because they got to choose the book. Then while you are reading the book with your child, you can engage by asking questions, making predictions, and discussing the story.

  2. Talk, Talk, Talk: Adults love to talk and ask questions “What’s this, what’s that” but it’s important to remember to teach and explain. Rather than asking lots of questions, narrate your actions throughout the day. Describe what you're doing, what your child is doing, and what you see around you. For example, I am emptying the dishwasher, we put the glasses up here in the cabinet and the spoons in the drawer, etc. This helps expand their vocabulary and understanding of the world.

  3. Listen: Adults and children want to be heard. When your toddler talks, make sure to listen and acknowledge even if you do not fully understand what is said. Encourage your child to express themselves and actively listen to what they have to say. Validate their feelings and thoughts, and provide a supportive environment for open communication.

Engaging in Interactive Activities

Children love to play. And more than playing, they love the interaction with their parents or other valued adults in their lives. Children thrive on attention and interaction. Interactive activities provide opportunities for children to practice and refine their communication skills in a fun and engaging way. Here are some activities to try:

  1. Pretend Play: Does your little one love baby dolls? Or dinosaurs? Join in on the fun and role play with them. Pretend play allows children to experiment with language and social interactions. Encourage imaginative play by providing props and joining in the fun. Have fun playing with your little one! 

  2. Arts and Crafts: Arts and crafts will encourage your child to follow directions, describe their artwork, and discuss their ideas. This will promote both language development and creativity. Arts and crafts don’t always have to be elaborate and messy! Grab some crayons and draw using your imagination. 

  3. Games and Puzzles: Kids love games. Board games, puzzles, and interactive games are excellent for promoting turn-taking, sharing, and communication. Choose games that require verbal interaction and cooperation. It’s my turn, now it’s your turn! I get to move four spaces, your turn to roll! 

Seeking Professional Support

In some cases, children may require specialized support to address communication challenges. Private speech therapy clinics, like Berry Speech Academy, can help to create a plan to grow your child’s communication skills. With a team of dedicated speech-language pathologists and a focus on evidence-based practices, they offer comprehensive evaluations and individualized therapy programs to support children of all ages and abilities.

Whether your child is experiencing difficulties with speech sounds, language development, fluency, or social communication, Berry Speech Academy or a speech therapy clinic in your area can provide the specialized support that your toddler may need to succeed. By addressing communication challenges early and effectively, they empower children to reach their full potential and confidently navigate the world around them.


Communication skills are fundamental to every aspect of a child's life, influencing their academic success, social relationships, and overall well-being. By creating a language-rich environments, engaging in interactive activities, and seeking professional support when needed, we can help unlock our children's communication potential and set them on the path to a bright and successful future. If you have any questions or would like to consult with a speech-language pathologist, please feel free to contact us using the button below. 


Understanding Language Development: How Many Words Should My Child Have?