Does my 2.5-3 year old toddler need speech therapy?

Is there anything cuter than a 2.5-3 year old experiencing the world? Your child is likely talking a lot more by this age and you will see a large increase in your child’s overall speech intelligibility. They will now be approximately 80% intelligible. Not only are you understanding more of what they’re saying, they will also start to have a lot more to say. Their language is growing like crazy right now.

Of course, each child is different, but there are specific language skills speech-language pathologists look for in toddlers 2.5-3 years old. If your child is not acquiring these skills, a speech evaluation could identify ways to help your little one communicate their wants and needs more effectively. Berry Speech Academy, located in Upper St. Clair (South Hills of Pittsburgh, PA) is currently accepting new clients!

Outlined below are some skills that we would like to see your 2.5-3 year old toddler using and/or demonstrating. You can also reference earlier learned skills: 1-1.5, 1.5-2, and 2-2.5.

  • Speech intelligibility increases to 80%

  • Your child will master these consonants: p, m, n, w, h

  • Uses “s” possessions i.e. Daddy’s car

  • Uses pronouns - I, me, you, mine (he, she and it emerging)

  • Uses regular past tense, i.e. walk/walked

  • Uses imperatives, i.e. commands: go, get it, don’t

  • Comprehends approximately 900 words 

  • Knows in/on/under/big/little

  • Matches colors and shapes

  • Answers simple who, why, where, how many questions

  • Dramatization and imagination begin to enter play

  • Begins using language in imaginative ways

If your child is demonstrating these skills, continue to encourage them to build upon their language. If they are struggling in some of these areas, a speech evaluation may be beneficial. If you are located in Pittsburgh, PA, reach out to Berry Speech Academy to schedule an evaluation. We currently offer clinic visits in Upper St. Clair (South Hills of Pittsburgh) and also offer in home evaluations and treatment in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.


Speech Therapy and Health Insurance


Does my 2-2.5 year old toddler need speech therapy?